Our Fan Art competition will run 10th October 2022 to 1st November 2022 and the winners will be drawn in the following week. Please fully read this page before beginning any artwork.


1st Place $500 USD
2nd Place $250 USD
3rd Place $150 USD
4th Place $100 USD

How to enter

Submissions should be posted to Twitter with the hashtag #TwistedBeastArt and should also tag @TwistedBeastUK in the post. Entries should also be submitted via email to



Submissions must not contain the following:

  • Derogatory depictions or text of any kind targeted at any group
  • Non consensual acts/scenarios
  • Age inappropriate depictions
  • Use of copyrighted material
  • Illegall depictions of any kind

What it's about

We are running this competition to involve the community and also reward the artists who's work we all enjoy and's fun to see how you guys would draw our Beasts. 

We will not use any the art submitted for commercial purposes and it will remain the property of the Artist. 

We will host selected Fan Art on a dedicated page on our site once the competition is over with credits and links to the Artist's preferred page/social.

If any of the Artists featured would like their work taken down at any time for any reason we will do so.

Artwork does not have to be NSFW and can be shown in whatever format you like (Comic Strip, Panels, Animation etc), but also...NSFW is very welcome.

This is not a speedrun take your time and have fun with it. We can't wait to see what you come up with.

The Twisted Beast Team